Note: GPB2011 is now over. Stay tuned for next year!
The concept
For you guys who haven't read the original post, the GPB is two weeks of celebrating strong women in in fiction, with a focus of Young Adult. Borne out of my long standing appreciation for a butt-kicking female protagonist, (and from much head-scratching over why exactly Bella Swan is one of the most popular characters in YA) the GPB aims to showcase the women in YA who show serious girl power.
The event
More literally speaking, GPB '11 will be two weeks of guest posts, author interviews and giveaways, all focused around the central theme of girl power. Stay tuned between July 3rd and 17th!
Who's involved?
I'm really excited to have guest posts from some very cool bloggers, as well as interviews with some of my favorite authors! Check out the schedule for more information.
How can I get involved?
If you'd like to contribute a favorite girl power heroine, email me with her name, what book she's from, and a few lines on what makes her awesome. This will also gain you (+1) on the girl power giveaway!
To gain (+2) for the giveaway, save the button at the top of your page to your computer and post somewhere visible on your blog.
To start joining the buzz, tweet with the hashtag #girlpower11.
(Very Tentative) Schedule
Sunday 3rd June: Introductory post. Giveaway will be announced!
Monday 4th June: Favorite girl power heroines: fantasy
Tuesday 5th June: Guest Post by That Bookish Girl
Wednesday 6th June: Girl power themed Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday 7th June: Guest Post: Aleeza Rauf on 'A Northern Light'
Friday 8th of June: Guest Post: Jami on 'Five Females on TV who rock the Girl Power'
Saturday 9th of June: Interview with Antony John, author of Five Flavors of Dumb
Sunday 10th of June: Favorite Girl Power heroines: Contemporary
Monday 11th of June: Guest Post by Betsy Cornwell
Tuesday 12th of June: Interview with Kelley Armstrong
Wednesday 13th of June: Girl Power Themed Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday 14th of June: Guest Post by Kelsey
Friday 15th of June: Interview with Kody Keplinger
Sunday 17th of June: Closing post