Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Back!

As the title suggests, I have now returned from squat toilets and wide-open plains to running water and dense New England forest. It took me approximately twenty-five hours of flights and four airline meals, but I made it in the end!

 (This is a vague representation of my journey; it involved four flights and additional stops in Seoul and Frankfurt.)

As I’m writing this, I’m huddled in a squashy leather armchair after being pestered by my Maltese, who in my absence has acquired a hot pink bow for her fringe—despite my warnings to my mother about the dangers of overdressing dogs lest they turn out like something Paris Hilton would want to hang on her arm. (Phoebe does look incredibly cute.)

So: what was the damage?

·      23 days in Outer Mongolia
·      Four squat toilets, complete with maggots
·      Approximately 40 liters of iodine-doused water consumed
·      One very cold bath in the Great White Lake
·      One blissful horse trek that was cut short due to a minor incident
·      80km hiked, mostly uphill, over three and a half days
·      Two hailstorms

I’ll elaborate more in a series of posts over the course of this week, but as you can probably tell from the above, it was an exciting, whirlwind adventure through western Mongolia. Despite the parts that weren’t as fun as I might have hoped (I.E. THE TREK) the sense of achievement I felt after getting through it all made them my favorite parts of the trip! 

Although we were at first suspicious of the fact that our group leader, John Carr, wasn't even vaguely middle aged, by the end of the trip we were seriously appreciative of both his ability to keep calm while sorting us out during an emergency and his scarily awesome medical skills. (Thankfully, he never had to exercise his right to amputate.) The rest of the leader team consisted of my former ICT teacher, a Geography teacher and a man who does the Duke of Edinburgh scheme at my school, so we were both in safe hands and great company!

Mongolians are a truly laid back, hospitable and perennially happy nation, and I was lucky to meet so many incredibly lovely people, from the children of the Lotus Children's Centre to the always-joking wranglers of Khishig's horse camp. In the end, it's always the people that make the trip, and although I'd expected to have fun with my fourteen school friends, I hadn't anticipated that I'd be reduced to both happy tears and crazy-laughter stitches by people who were strangers just three weeks ago.

Stay tuned for more details of a journey that involved more than one epic detour and a lot less boiled lung than I'd expected. (Though the semolina made up for it, especially that one time when John managed to turn it into dumplings. Enough said.)


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday #11

 Waiting on Wednesday is hosted at Breaking the Spine

Freak. That’s what they called seventeen year-old Donna Underwood in high school after a horrific fey attack that killed her father when she was just a child. Her injuries and rehabilitation resulted in magically enhanced strength, thanks to the iron tattoos branding her hands and arms. As a child of the alchemists, she is both blessed and cursed with a magical heritage that doesn't leave much room for boys, parties and homework.

Now, after ten years of wishing for a normal life, she finally has to accept her role in the centuries-old war against the darkest outcasts of Faerie: the Dark Elves. Aided by a gorgeous half-fey dropout, Donna must race to save her best friend’s life - even if it means betraying one of the world’s greatest secrets and confronting the very thing that destroyed her family. 

I always really enjoy Karen Mahoney's posts on writing at The Deadline Dames, where she goes by Dame Kaz. Even though I'm a little tired of faerie stories, this looks like it could break the mold- I like the idea of the iron tattoos and the alchemists. 

Check it out on Goodreads
Preorder it on Amazon


Friday, July 2, 2010

A short announcement...

Unfortunately, I probably won't be posting for the next three weeks.

No, I'm not sick, and I'm not extremely busy.

I'm going to be in Mongolia.

Unfortunately, there are no internet cafes or wireless ports on the steppes (or so I'm told) and I'm not allowed to bring tons of books to read, either. Yes, I'm doing it old style, with a humongous backpack, hiking boots and a ton of sunscreen. And youth hostels. 

So, that's where I'll be. What plans have you guys got this summer? 

Wish me luck!

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